Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Stupid State

Is it worse that I currently live in the great state of Illinois where the former governor is a criminal scumbag, or that my beautiful home state of South Carolina has an awful right wing retard living in the governor's mansion? Seriously, the rest of the nation (nay, the world) already thinks of we South Carolinians as idiotic one-toothed bigots and Mark Sanford isn't helping us at all.

Apparently, Sanford was toying with the idea of rejecting any money given to South Carolina via President Obama's recently approved stimulus plan. After his comments came under fire by the media, Sanford now says he will take a look at where the money is going before he decides to accept it or not and that disagreeing with the money being given out does not preclude taking the money. What an asshat. Wonkette reports.

Yet another Palmetto State blunder occurred last summer but was just now brought to my attention. In short, apparently South Carolinians do not like being referred to as "so gay". A travel agency specializing in gay and away type vacation packages was attempting to market South Carolina as a gay getaway opportunity for British gays and lesbians by advertising in the London Underground. They'd be right. The amount of beautiful beachfront property alone should be enough to attract anyone to good ol' SC. However, someone back home caught wind of this and took offense, leading to the posters being taken down. Now, it's loud and clear to our neighbors across the pond that if you're gay, stay away. The Guardian has the full story.

My state is so stupid.


BigStig said...

well with regards to the gay SC thing, it was a poorly conceived slogan: South Carolina is So Gay. That was teh catchphrase. People here didn't take issue so much with trying to attract gay tourists so much as the slogan was a fucking idea to actually use. in the end, SC won the battle but lost the war: the media attention given to the issue has actually served the intended purpose of the ad campaign.