The Obama administration has said that it will no longer interfere in states rights pertaining to use of medicinal marijuana. This is a big deal, since the former administration took it upon themselves to raid pharmacies and growhouses in California that were licensed to distribute marijuana to those with a doctor's scrip for it. States Rights what!
I see a great way to get out of this recession: Legalize it. It'll start growing like...well, weeds on farms across America. It can be regulated and sold via state approved merchants and the federal government can tax the ever living shit out of it. Talk about a cash crop.
It's only a matter of time until we can go to the corner smoke shop and get what we really want. To quote JB: "The tyranny and the bullshit's gone on too long."Gawker reports....and I stole their label for my post title. Thanks Gawker!
Ah, the Onion. The imagination storm swirling around in that office must be truly overwhelming. Here, they detail a new documentary called Punched Out!!: The Mike Tyson Story about the Ear-Biting One's meteoric rise to virtual boxing stardom. Head on over for the full (fake) article. It's too bad, really. I'd put down my Fistful of Quarters in a heartbeat to see this winning, tell-all documentary. I'd especially like to hear more from Mario on what refereeing all of those classic bouts was like. Just to be in the ring with Super Macho Man and King Hippo would be a dream come true.
Furthermore, the new Punch-Out!! for Wii has been dated and will release for North America on May 18th. Don't fuck it up, Ninty!Thanks to Kotaku for the heads up.
Here is the aforementioned performance of 15 Step with the USC Marching Band (lucky little trojan bastards) at the recent Grammy broadcast. Thom's so weird...and Jonny's so cool. (You're cool too, Thom. You too Ed, Colin, and Phil.) Good times. (Noodle salad.)
GREAT article on Kotaku about the making of Wrestle Jam, the fictional video game that Randy the Ram plays with his young neighbor during a scene in Darren Aronofsky's brilliant and moving film The Wrestler. I'm not going to say that Mickey Rourke was robbed if the Best Actor Oscar (Sean Penn was excellent in Milk) but it really could have gone either way.The article talks about how the video game and the scene in which it is played is a great bit of symbolism about Randy's struggle with his own reality in the film. Kudos to Michael McWhertor for some great writing. Very cool stuff.
Is it worse that I currently live in the great state of Illinois where the former governor is a criminal scumbag, or that my beautiful home state of South Carolina has an awful right wing retard living in the governor's mansion? Seriously, the rest of the nation (nay, the world) already thinks of we South Carolinians as idiotic one-toothed bigots and Mark Sanford isn't helping us at all.
Apparently, Sanford was toying with the idea of rejecting any money given to South Carolina via President Obama's recently approved stimulus plan. After his comments came under fire by the media, Sanford now says he will take a look at where the money is going before he decides to accept it or not and that disagreeing with the money being given out does not preclude taking the money. What an asshat. Wonkette reports.
Yet another Palmetto State blunder occurred last summer but was just now brought to my attention. In short, apparently South Carolinians do not like being referred to as "so gay". A travel agency specializing in gay and away type vacation packages was attempting to market South Carolina as a gay getaway opportunity for British gays and lesbians by advertising in the London Underground. They'd be right. The amount of beautiful beachfront property alone should be enough to attract anyone to good ol' SC. However, someone back home caught wind of this and took offense, leading to the posters being taken down. Now, it's loud and clear to our neighbors across the pond that if you're gay, stay away. The Guardian has the full story.
If the Lonely Island keeps this up, they're going to have a lot of friends. I think I may have to buy their new album.
This video is sheer brilliance. T-Pain's contribution stands out as he tosses in supporting muthafuckas, and his solo is the highlight of the entire song. How can you top lines like "Poseidon, look at me" and "I fucked a mermaid"?
How did I miss this during the Super Bowl? I'm pretty sure I would've remembered seeing Nannerpus....I mean, how could one forget?
I also totally missed out on that free Grand Slam. Bummer. I've been working on that heart attack for so long now. Surely this would've put me over the edge.
More Nannerpus action at, where else,
When Michael Lewis writes, you read. If you didn't already know, he's the author of Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game (about baseball) and The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game (about football). If you're a die-hard sports fan, you owe it to yourself to read these books. Even if you aren't remotely interested in sports, they're certainly worth your time. His writing is that good.
His latest work is a piece for the New York Times on the NBA (that would be basketball)...particularly Shane Battier of the Houston Rockets. Check it out here.And for the record, I hate the NBA...but now I kinda like Battier and the Rockets. And Derrick Rose and the Bulls (Hey...I live in Chicago).
Essential reading. Thanks to Deadspin for the heads-up.
The Grammys are a joke...but Radiohead makes everything better. Here's a cool Thom Yorke Grammy promo. If you missed the performance tonight at the Grammys, it featured Thom and Jonny Greenwood performing 15 Step with the USC Marching Band. Fucking Trojans. Cool performance, though.
The boys from Oxford's stellar In Rainbows lost out the Album of the Year to Alison Krauss and Robert Plant for their equally impressive Raising Sand. I can live with that. I'm just glad it wasn't offense to Chris Martin and company. I enjoyed me some Viva La Vida (though Joe Satriani sure didn't!). Coldplay naysayers...get over it. It may not be your taste, but those guys have got a good thing going. Just ask any of their millions (and millions!) of fans around the world.