As reported by Crain's New York Business:
"NYU announced Tuesday that it has launched the NYU Game Center, which will offer long-term undergraduate and graduate degrees in the research, design and development of digital games. NYU will become the first New York City college to offer a degree in video games."
"The center will offer about 70 courses on game design and development. In the fall 2009, 10 to 12 NYU students will have the opportunity to choose a minor, major or double major in gaming. Beginning in the fall 2010, about six graduate students a year will be admitted to a two-year Master’s program and certificate program."
Sounds like NYU is getting while the getting's good. The gaming industry made around $38 billion last year. Eat your heart out, Hollywood.
Now if only I could come up with the $50 grand a year or so needed for tuition, fees, room and board.
Thanks to Kotaku.
-:Ahem:- THESE dudes have a masters in gaming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS5peqApgUA
Dayum. Those guys are good. That finish was bananas.
We should play some SF over Christmas...
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